The Passing of a Childhood Legend

Anne McCaffrey was just another writer when I was a child attempting to find myself in a the big, bad, mysterious world; that is, until I picked up the first in a series of novels from my school library, Dragonsong. After devouring the series, I turned to Dragonriders of Pern and was soon distraught to find that I had exhausted the school's limited collection of Anne McCaffrey novels. As an avid reader, I found quite a few authors that could spin a wondrous yarn like Robert Jordan, JRR Tolkien, and Stephen King, but I discovered Anne McCaffrey early on and always loved her series about a young girl who finds dragon hatchlings that will forever change her life. The series was quite enjoyable and will always have a place in my heart.

Unfortunately, Mrs. McCaffrey passed on November 21st, 2011 following a stroke. It is hard to see someone whose work contributed so much to my youth pass on, but it is the way of our world and hers, Pern.

Click here for her obituary.

Weston Kincade ~ Author of Invisible Dawn and A Life of Death
