Breaking the Amazon Ceiling

After being up for barely two days and available for free for less than one, Strange Circumstances is currently #4 in Fiction Anthologies and broke the top 1,000 in as little time, at 982 in the Free Kindle Market overall. Lets see how high we can crank this up. I'd like to see it at #1 in the Fiction Anthologies and the top 100 overall. If Strange Circumstances continues to rise, breaking the 500 mark, I will make it free for an additional day or more, so more of your friends can save on it. Tell your friends. Get the word out. It's a collection of great, dark stories that I'm sure you'll love. Over 215 people have downloaded it in less than two days. Lets get it into more readers' hands.

Weston Kincade ~ Author of Invisible Dawn and A Life of Death
